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== <small>'''Self-portrait'''</small> ==
== <small>'''Self-portrait'''</small> ==
''Bitcoin usa tecnología peer-to-peer o entre pares para operar sin una autoridad central o bancos; la gestión de las transacciones y la emisión de bitcoins es llevada a cabo de forma colectiva por la red. Bitcoin es de código abierto; su diseño es público, nadie es dueño o controla Bitcoin y todo el mundo puede participar. Por medio de sus muchas propiedades únicas, Bitcoin permite usos interesantes no contemplados por ningún sistema de pagos anterior.'' (https://bitcoin.org/es/)
''Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.''  
''Bitcoin.org es el dominio original utilizado para la primera página web de Bitcoin. Fue registrado y sigue siendo gestionado por los desarrolladores del núcleo de Bitcoin y por otros miembros de la comunidad, con las aportaciones de las comunidades de Bitcoin. Bitcoin.org no es una página web oficial. Así como nadie es propietario de la tecnología del correo electrónico, nadie es propietario de la red Bitcoin. Por tanto, nadie puede pretender hablar en nombre de Bitcoin.''
''Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.'' (https://bitcoin.org/en/)
''Bitcoin es controlado por todos los usuarios de Bitcoin alrededor del mundo. Los desarrolladores están mejorando el software, pero no pueden forzar un cambio en las reglas del protocolo de Bitcoin porque todos los usuarios son libres de escoger el software que utilizan. Para permanecer compatibles unos con otros, los usuarios deben usar software que cumpla con las mismas reglas. Bitcoin solo puede funcionar bien con un consenso completo entre todos los usuarios. Por lo tanto, todos los usuarios y desarrolladores tienen un fuerte incentivo para adoptar y proteger este consenso.'' (https://bitcoin.org/es/sobre-nosotros)
''Bitcoin.org was originally registered and owned by Bitcoin's first two developers, Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi. When Nakamoto left the project, he gave ownership of the domain to additional people, separate from the Bitcoin developers, to spread responsibility and prevent any one person or group from easily gaining control over the Bitcoin project.'' (https://bitcoin.org/en/about-us)
== <small>'''Description'''</small> ==
== <small>'''Description'''</small> ==
El sitio Bitcoin.org reune información sobre los bitcoins para personas, empresas y desarrolladores interesados. Bitcoin propone una nueva forma de transacciones monetarias utilizando un nuevo tipo de moneda digital, los "bitcoins", y un sistema de gestión de las transacciones descentralizado llamado "blockchain" o "cadena de bloques" por lo que permite rápidas operaciones entre pares en todo el mundo con bajas o inexistentes comisiones. Los objetivos del sitio son:
Bitcoin.org provides information to individuals, businesses, and developers interested in
- Informar a los usuarios para protegerlos de errores comunes.
Bitcoin. The project’s proposal is a new way of doing monetary transactions by using a
- Dar una descripción precisa de las propiedades de Bitcoin, sus potenciales usos y limitaciones.
digital currency (“Bitcoin”) and a decentralized payment network called “block chain”,
- Mostrar alertas públicas y eventos relacionados con la red Bitcoin.
allowing quick peer-to-peer transactions around the world on low commissions or none at
- Invitar a humanos con talento para ayudar con el desarrollo de Bitcoin a distintos niveles.
- Proveer visibilidad a gran escala del ecosistema Bitcoin.
- Mejorar el acceso mundial a Bitcoin haciéndolo internacional.
- Permanecer como un recurso informativo neutral sobre Bitcoin.
Los bitcoins son una tipo de criptomoneda diseñada de manera anónima bajo el pseudónimo japonés de Satoshi Nakamoto en 2008 como software open source. El diseño se basa en la producción artificial de escasez ya que solo se pueden producir un máximo de 21 millones de bitcoins. Gracias a la "cadena de bloques" o "blochchain" distribuida en una red p2p se registran de manera pública todas las transacciones que son irreversibles y nunca desaparecen, de manera que todos los propietarios de bitcoins pueden monitorear tanto su producción cuanto su uso. Este sistema hace que los bitcoins puedan funcionar sin necesidad de las redes de confianza centralizadas por los bancos y las instituciones financieras que controlan el dinero fiduciario, es decir, las monedas oficiales. La identidad de los propietarios aparece bajo pseudoanonimato, de manera que no se requiere identificarse para participar en la red Bitcoin. Al no usar bancos como intermediarios las transferencias pueden hacerse globalmente, a cualquier hora del día y con baja o nula comisión al evitar todos los gastos que implican los bancos normales. El sistema brinda un dispositivo de seguridad de criptografía militar que protege la identidad y el dinero de los usuarios.
The site’s mission is:
Al utilizar Bitcoin se sugiere tener precauciones como no almacenar ahorros, ya que es una moneda de alto riesgo en cambio constante cuyos precios fluctúan. También se recomienda tener medidas de seguridad para proteger el monedero ya que, como el dinero normal, es responsabilidad del usuario el dispositivo donde se guarda. Finalmente al ser un experimento financiero el futuro de Bitcoin es impredecible.
-Informing users to protect them from common mistakes.
-Giving an accurate description of Bitcoin properties, potential uses and limitations.
-Displaying transparent alerts and events regarding the Bitcoin network.
-Inviting talented humans to help with Bitcoin development at many levels.
-Providing visibility to the large scale Bitcoin ecosystem.
-Improving Bitcoin worldwide accessibility with internationalization.
-Remaining a neutral informative resource about Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency designed anonymously as an open source software in
2008 under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. The currency’s design is based on the
idea of scarcity in that only 21 million bitcoins will ever be created. Thanks to the block
chain distributed through a p2p network, all transactions are public, irreversible and never
disappear, allowing Bitcoin owners to monitor both what they’re making as well as what
they’re using. This system allows Bitcoin to function without central bank authorities or
financial institutions that usually control official, fiat currencies. Bitcoin owners are
psuedo-anonymous, meaning identifying themselves is not required for joining the Bitcoin
network. Since the system lacks any banks or middlemen, transactions can be carried
across the globe at any time with little to no commission by avoiding fees associatied with
regular banks. In order to protect user’s identities and their money, the system provides
security measures based on military-grade cryptography.
When using Bitcoin, it is not recommended for use in keeping savings, since it’s a high risk
currency under constant change, fluctuating in price. As is the case with real money,
securing one’s wallet is advised, since protecting one’s money is one’s own responsibility.
At the end of the day, being a financial expert on Bitcoin’s future is unpredictable.
== <small>'''Publications'''</small> ==
== <small>'''Publications'''</small> ==

Latest revision as of 23:13, 15 May 2017

Screenshot-bitcoin.org 2017-03-05 22-12-25.png


Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money.

Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system. (https://bitcoin.org/en/)

Bitcoin.org was originally registered and owned by Bitcoin's first two developers, Satoshi Nakamoto and Martti Malmi. When Nakamoto left the project, he gave ownership of the domain to additional people, separate from the Bitcoin developers, to spread responsibility and prevent any one person or group from easily gaining control over the Bitcoin project. (https://bitcoin.org/en/about-us)


Bitcoin.org provides information to individuals, businesses, and developers interested in Bitcoin. The project’s proposal is a new way of doing monetary transactions by using a digital currency (“Bitcoin”) and a decentralized payment network called “block chain”, allowing quick peer-to-peer transactions around the world on low commissions or none at all.

The site’s mission is:

-Informing users to protect them from common mistakes.

-Giving an accurate description of Bitcoin properties, potential uses and limitations.

-Displaying transparent alerts and events regarding the Bitcoin network.

-Inviting talented humans to help with Bitcoin development at many levels.

-Providing visibility to the large scale Bitcoin ecosystem.

-Improving Bitcoin worldwide accessibility with internationalization.

-Remaining a neutral informative resource about Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency designed anonymously as an open source software in 2008 under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. The currency’s design is based on the idea of scarcity in that only 21 million bitcoins will ever be created. Thanks to the block chain distributed through a p2p network, all transactions are public, irreversible and never disappear, allowing Bitcoin owners to monitor both what they’re making as well as what they’re using. This system allows Bitcoin to function without central bank authorities or financial institutions that usually control official, fiat currencies. Bitcoin owners are psuedo-anonymous, meaning identifying themselves is not required for joining the Bitcoin network. Since the system lacks any banks or middlemen, transactions can be carried across the globe at any time with little to no commission by avoiding fees associatied with regular banks. In order to protect user’s identities and their money, the system provides security measures based on military-grade cryptography.

When using Bitcoin, it is not recommended for use in keeping savings, since it’s a high risk currency under constant change, fluctuating in price. As is the case with real money, securing one’s wallet is advised, since protecting one’s money is one’s own responsibility. At the end of the day, being a financial expert on Bitcoin’s future is unpredictable.


Satoshi Nakamoto (2009) Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.


URL: https://bitcoin.org/en/

Wayback Machine:http://web.archive.org/web/20170306041207/https://bitcoin.org/en/

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin