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== <small>'''Description'''</small> ==
'''''Domains, Publics and Access''. WikiSprint for a Media Archaeology of the Present.'''
''Domains, publics and access'' is an ongoing research project in media archaeology of the present been
developed in Mexico by the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and the Alumnos47 Foundation since
2015. The core of the research is a wiki where we collect projects that offer access for the general public to
the domains of art, culture, economics, politics, science, and technology.
The '''Collection''' is dedicated to cataloguing, preserving and documenting projects that propose or investigate
general access to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services previously restricted
mainly to specialists and professionals. Combining the mass media with heterogeneous social practices the
projects question the vertical and centralized management of access by public and private institutions
historically associated with art, culture, economics, politics, science, and technology such as museums,
galleries, libraries, archives, publishers, laboratories, universities, companies, banks, hospitals,
governments, political parties, factories, etc.
Projects that experiment with more horizontal and decentralized management models appear on the web
associated with recent terms such as open access, open data, open content, open education, open
government, open design, open spectrum, open science, cryptocurrencies, citizen journalism, citizen
science, collaborative economy, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, free software, free culture, p2p, tactical
urbanism ... These new terms coexist with old terms such as commons, public domain, time banks,
grassroots media, solidarity economy, community currencies, cryptography, cooperatives, tactical media,
DIY or piracy. All of them constitute the vocabulary of current forms of access, keywords of a vanishing
The Collection brings together projects that have emerged in different countries from the second half of the
20th century to the present day, with special attention to those developed in Mexico where the research
began. The only condition is that the projects should be associated with the vocabulary of current forms of
access counting on the participation of the general public in all domains of social activity. The collection
includes, equally, projects launched by public and private institutions and different actors of civil society,
since the questioning of the vertical and centralized management of access by institutions historically
associated with the various domains is taking place inside and outside of them. In this way the Collection
deals with the contemporary coexistence and hybridization between new and old models of access
management that present different degrees of centralization and decentralization, verticality and
Projects are categorized according to the categories and subcategories associated with the three main
sections in which the wiki is divided. In '''Domains''', the projects are indexed according to their main
ascription to one or several Domains: Art, Science, Culture, Economics, Politics and Technology. In
'''Publics''', projects are labeled based on their linguistic, geographical and temporal universe. We catalog all
the Language(s) in which each project is published, the Start Country(ies), the Start Year and the Year of
Completion. In '''Access''', the projects are classified according to the vocabulary of current forms of access.
As this vocabulary appears and is popularized mainly in English, the main menu categories are in this
language: Citizen, Collaborative, Commons, Co-ops, Crowd, Crypto, DIY, Free, Future, Grassroots, Open,
P2P, Pirate, Private, Public, Tactical. The translation is found in the subcategories that also expand the
forms of access linked with each category in English and Spanish. (We are currently translating the entire
site in English).
To show how the vocabulary of current forms of access is diversified with use, the wiki allows participants
to add new categories and subcategories following the terms that the projects apply to define themselves.
When the terms are not shown explicitly or appear under a slightly different version, the categories and
subcategories already indexed are assigned according to the criteria of the participant. Only the
subcategories Nonprofit (Private), Profit (Private) and State (Public) are part
of the cataloguing of all projects. In that way the public initiatives of governments are distinguished from
all others and the business model and legal status of the project are indicated when they are clearly
published. These cataloguing criteria also apply to projects that lack legal form or do not clearly state what
their legal status is.
All the necessary information for the cataloguing is extracted from the project websites. Even the main
sources for new projects are the links that they establish with other initiatives. In exceptional cases are
secondary sources of information used to complete the cataloguing. The Collection does not pretend to be
exhaustive. The selection is personal and depends on the online tours done by each participant as they
register different projects in the wiki. Each participant is a curator and has her/his own “playlist”.
The goal is to preserve the memory of the projects that appear and disappear day by day in different
countries by using the tools available online. As these are recent projects, all have or had a website that is
saved in [http://archive.org/web/ Wayback Machine], the free service that [https://archive.org/ Internet Archive]
offers to preserve web pages in WARC format. In addition, all the Documentation of
the projects is also preserved in [https://archive.org/ Internet Archive] for future generations.
The '''Documentation''' offers complementary information about the current forms of access in seven different
sections. '''Interviews''' follows a questionnaire published by the fanzine Radical Software in 1970. The
questionnaire applies to anyone involved in the projects who wish to provide their testimony. '''Manifestos'''
exposes all kinds of perspectives about access, reactionary and progressive, that show how each new media
present is transformed throughout the history of this genre. New manifestos appear and old manifestos are
forgotten, so this incomplete collection by definition offers a selection that hopes to be enriched with new
contributions. '''Library''' groups together books, articles, news, reports and any text dedicated to current
forms of access and projects indexed in the wiki that are available for online consultation and downloading.
Any document relevant to the current debates and reflections for the future of domains, publics and access
is welcome.
The reason for cataloguing, preserving and documenting projects responds to the fact that the limits of
access to the domains of art, science, culture, economics, politics and technology have never been stable
and will continue to change in the near future. In order to provide a broader picture for future generations of
the different forms of access, the collection includes all types of projects that are not only heterogenous but
also antagonistic. Regardless of whether these are public, private or civil society initiatives, for profit or
non-profit, local or global, activist, artistic, scientific, etc., from the left to the right of the political
spectrum, this wiki gathers examples of all of them. The historical limits of access are established not only
by consensus but also by antagonism between different perspectives which fight with each other by limiting
the access at a particular time and place. The wiki collects the terms that inform the current discussions
around access without taking the side of any of them. By displaying this vocabulary in its plurality and
organizing it by country, a tool is offered through which all stakeholders can participate in the discussion or
gain an idea of the possibilities available in their own context to judge for themselves the risks and
opportunities that each form of access and each project puts into play.
== <small>'''Presenters'''</small> ==
'''Paz Sastre''' (Madrid, 1975) holds a degree in philosophy from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a
PhD from the Universidad Complutense in communication studies with the thesis Archives and Territories:
Media Landscapes,Geoaesthetic and Commons directed by Dr. Francisco García García. She works in
Mexico as a full professor and researcher in the Arts and Humanities Department of the Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Lerma. She has been a member of the Commons Mexico Laboratory and
is part of Icono14, an independent research group dedicated to aesthetic and new media. From a visual
studies perspective she has worked on archives, information society, bureaucracy and commons. Most of
her publications can be consulted online. She has collaborated on several iniciatives dedicated to the
construction, recovery and access to different archives such as the Huichol Nation Cultural and Natural
Heritage, the Ana Victoria Jiménez archive of Mexican feminism and the repository, already deceased, of
the Commons Mexico Laboratory (procomun.cc). At the present time she’s working on two ongoing
research projects: one is Domains, publics and access (dpya.org), a wiki dedicated to the current forms of
access, and the other is a research and preservation project of media manifestos. Her work has been
presented in Medialab-Prado, Centro Multimedia, ISEA2016, Festival de las Artes Electrónicas y Video
Transitio MX_06, Open Engagement Conference 2015, Festival de Artes Electrónicas y Video Transitio
MX_05, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, VII World Archaeological Congress 2013, Creative
Commons Summit Latinoamérica 2012, II Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital 2011, I Congreso
Internacional Ciudades Creativas 2009, Inclusiva-net 2008. She is a member of the jury of the National
System of Artists and part of the National System of Researchers of the Mexican government.
'''Aisel Wicab''' (Ciudad de México, 1985) is a media artist that experiments with illustration, video and DIY
machines to create light art, live performances and installations. Co-founded the expanded cinema group
Colectivo Luz y Fuerza in 2012 and was part of the international live cinema collective Trinchera Ensamble
from 2005 to 2011. Currently heads the area of educational research at Alumnos47 Foundation (non-profit
organization that promotes knowledge processes using contemporary art) and she is involved in numerous
projects that combine artistic experimentation with disruptive education and radical pedagogies. She has
exhibited her work in Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Austria, France, Spain and Slovakia, at
institutions such as the National Center of Arts, Cineteca Nacional, The Mexico City Museum, The Cultural
Center of Spain in Mexico and Argentina, The Agora Quebec in Montreal, The Cinéma La Cleff in Paris,
The Sammlung Essl and the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna. She has been granted by the Multimedia Center
(CENART-INBA) in 2012, the BBVA-Bancomer Foundation in 2009, and PAPIIT-UNAM program from
2007 to 2009.
== <small>'''Participants'''</small> ==
We are looking for participants interested in cataloguing, preserving and documenting the current forms of
access for future generations from their national and personal experience. No expert knowledge is
required. They can be artists, designers, scientists, academics, students, or from any other discipline with an
interest in open access, open content, open government, open science, open design, open education, open
spectrum, citizen journalism, citizen science, collaborative economy, commons, co-ops, crowdfunding,
crowdsourcing, cryptocurrencies, DIY, free software, free culture, community currencies, solidarity
economy, grassroots media, p2p, piracy, tactical media, tactical urbanism, etc.
'''The sole requirement to participate in the workshops is to bring your own laptop or tablet.'''
== <small>'''Technical rider'''</small> ==
Internet access, one projector, one screen, one white board and markers.
Tables, chairs and electric outlets enough for the number of participants signed up.
== <small>'''Schedule'''</small> ==
'''09:00 - 10:00'''
'''1. Presentation'''
Who we are and what we do.
Who are you, where are you from and why are you interested in this workshop?
Let's open your account in the wiki!
'''2. Introduction to the research project'''
A very brief presentation of the ''Domains, publics and access'' research project.
'''3. Conversation'''
Which forms of access do you know?
Are you working on an specific access form?
What projects related to the current forms of access do you know?
Would you like to catalogue projects, manifestos or texts?
Would you like to become an interviewer during the Symposium?
'''10:00 - 12:00'''
'''4. Editing groups'''
The editing work will be organized in groups interested in cataloguing projects, manifestos or texts.
'''5. How to edit the wiki'''
How to create a wiki page.
How to upload a file.
How to catalogue a project.
How to catalogue a manifesto.
How to catalogue a text.
'''6. Research and cataloguing'''
Let's start cataloguing!
'''13:00 - 16:00'''
'''6. Research and cataloguing'''
Let's start cataloguing!
'''7. Editing groups presentations'''
Each editing group will show the catalogued projects, manifestos or texts.
== <small>'''Complementary materials'''</small> ==
'''Conceptual Research Map:'''  [[File:Research map.pdf|thumb]]
'''Classification Map:''' [[File:COLLECTION - Faceted Classification System.pdf|thumb]]
'''Project Index Card:''' [[File:Project index card.pdf|thumb]]
'''Manifesto Index Card:''' [[File:Manifesto index card .pdf|thumb]]
'''Text Index Card:''' [[File:Text index card .pdf|thumb]]

Latest revision as of 18:09, 28 December 2020