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'''Co­hen Van Balen, Michael Di­eter, Rick Dol­phi­jn, Cheryl Field, Michelle Kasprzak, Sven Lüttick­en, Rachel O’Reil­ly, Jus­si Parik­ka, Karoli­na Sobec­ka (2013).''Speculative Realities''.Rotterdam:Institute for the Unstable Media.'''
Wayback Machine:https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://v2.nl/archive/articles/speculative-realities-blowup-reader-6
Resumen:This eBook, the sixth in the se­ries of Blowup Read­ers re­leased by V2_, ex­plores the sig­nif­icance of the re­cent philo­soph­ic move­ments known as Ob­ject-​Ori­ent­ed On­tol­ogy and Spec­ula­tive Re­al­ism for the vi­su­al and me­dia arts. The ebook was edited in connection to the Speculative Realities exhibition.
Two artists and one col­lab­ora­tive duo were com­mis­sioned to make new art­works re­flect­ing broad­ly on con­cepts with­in Ob­ject-​Ori­ent­ed On­tol­ogy and Spec­ula­tive Re­al­ism. The artists were Tu­ur van Balen & Re­vi­tal Co­hen, Cheryl Field, and Karoli­na Sobec­ka.
To sup­ple­ment the de­scrip­tions of the works and brief in­ter­views with the artists in this eBook, three new in­ter­views were com­mis­sioned. Sven Lüttick­en was in­ter­viewed by Rachel O’Reil­ly, Jus­si Parik­ka was in­ter­viewed by Michael Di­eter, and Rick Dol­phi­jn was in­ter­viewed by Michelle Kasprzak.
The ex­hi­bi­tion took place from De­cem­ber 8, 2012 un­til Jan­uary 11, 2013 at Rood­kap­je, Meent 133, Rot­ter­dam.
[[Categoría:Institute for the Unstable Media]]
[[Categoría:Co­hen Van Balen]]
[[Categoría:Michael Di­eter]]
[[Categoría:Rick Dol­phi­jn]]
[[Categoría:Cheryl Field]]
[[Categoría:Michelle Kasprzak]]
[[Categoría:Sven Lüttick­en]]
[[Categoría:Rachel O’Reil­ly]]
[[Categoría:Jus­si Parik­ka]]
[[Categoría:Karoli­na Sobec­ka]]

Latest revision as of 18:08, 28 December 2020