Introducing the digital wallet for bitcoin economics. Darkwallet is an open source bitcoin wallet that provides a solid foundation of well designed asynchronous code for scalability.
Darkwallet is a community of projects developing a wallet with privacy, scalability and integrity. We see Bitcoin fundamentally as a new tool of business and trade in the free economy, more than a mere payments innovation. The Darkwallet is our first step into a series of products that will touch upon tools for markets, governance and organisation. These are tools we need for our own communities, where we aim to create self-managed spaces. (https://www.darkwallet.is/)
A digital wallet for the bitcoin economy, Darkwallet is an open source wallet that tries to transform monetary relations and activities by offering the possibility of interacting more freely using bitcoins, offering a tool for the use of cryptocurrency free of regulations, and allowing anonymity and freedom of financial activity.
Cody Rutledge Wilson is a North American crypto-anarchist and defender of the free market and the right to arms who developed Defense distributed and cofounded the project Darkwallet in 2013 with Amir Taaki, a developer of games and software.
Darkwallet offers an electronic wallet, an identity, private messages, seller pages and a dispute or arbitration area. The construction of Darkwallet contains several layers with different functions. Libbitcoin is the implementation of bitcoin as an asynchronous code. Obelisk is a blockchain through which actions are organized among users with a technology called Zero MQ for financial applications. Python-Obelisk is a library and port for multiple platforms like Android, Linux, Windows and Mac. There are also management and administration tools to coordinate internal messaging among users, enabling them to coordinate multi-signature cooperative funds with decentralized p2p tools.
URL: https://www.darkwallet.is/
Wayback machine: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.darkwallet.is/