1991 - Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century - VNS Matrix

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we are the modern cunt positive anti reason unbounded unleashed unforgiving

we see art with our cunt we make art with our cunt

we believe in jouissance madness holiness and poetry

we are the virus of the new world disorder

rupturing the symbolic from within

saboteurs of big daddy mainframe

the clitoris is a direct line to the matrix


terminators of the moral code

mercenaries of slime

go down on the altar of abjection

probing the visceral temple we speak in tongues

infiltrating disrupting disseminating

corrupting the discourse

we are the future cunt

URL: http://www.obn.org/reading_room/manifestos/html/cyberfeminist.html

Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20160313031444/http://www.obn.org/reading_room/manifestos/html/cyberfeminist.html