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== <small>'''Description'''</small> ==
== <small>'''Description'''</small> ==
Es una red descentralizada de software libre que permite el almacenamiento, distribución y uso de archivos de manera anónima y sin censura, con el fin de crear una plataforma para la libertad de expresión y el acceso a información no manipulada. El proyecto fue diseñado por Ian Clarke en la Universidad de Edinburgh en 1999. Su reporte final fue la base de un texto en el cual participaron Oskar Sandberg, Brandon Wiley y Theodore W. Hong, titulado ''Freenet: Sistema de almacenamiento, distribución y recuperación de información anónima''. Los fundadores plantean que la libertad de expresión solo puede ser posible desde el anonimato y que la verdadera democracia se da cuando la población no solo ejerce su derecho al voto, sino que se encuentra consciente y adecuadamente informada.
Freenet is a decentralized network of free software allowing to save, share and use files anonymously and censorship-free, with the goal of creating a platform for freedom of speech and access to unmanipulated information. The project was designed in 1999 by Ian Clarke at the University of Edinburgh. His final papers were the basis for another paper by Oskar Sandberg, Brandon Wiley and Theodore W. Hong, titled “Freenet: A distributed anonymous information storage and retrieval system”. Its founders posit freedom of speech can only be possible in anonymity and that true democracy happens when people not only exercise their right to vote, but when they do so conscientiously and adequately informed.
Freenet no tiene servidores centrales, los usuarios proporcionan ancho de banda y una porción de su disco duro para almacenar archivos cifrados que se mantienen o se borran automáticamente dependiendo de su uso. El sistema puede operar de dos maneras simultáneamente: como open-net detectable a la que se conecta cualquier usuario, o como darknet a la que solo se pueden conectar usuarios amigos. El darknet es sumamente difícil de detectar desde afuera y ser afectada por rutas restringidas, lo que la hace resistente a un posible bloqueo del gobierno.
Freenet does not have central servers; users provide bandwidth and part of their hard drive for encrypted file storage. Depending on their use, these files might be stored or automatically deleted. The system can operate in two simultaneous modes: as a detectable open-net that any user can log into, or as a darknet where users can only connect to their friends. Darknet mode is very hard to detect from the outside and is resistant to restricted routes, making it difficult for governments to block it.
Esta red pretende descartar cualquier imposición de valores a la información y jamás permitir que alguien decida el contenido que es adecuado. Para mantener el anonimato incorpora un mecanismo de subespacios mediante el cual los usuarios pueden tener firmas digitales que usan como seudónimos, con el fin de cuidarse de la censura o cualquier tipo de represalia. También pueden subir o bajar archivos de la red sin necesidad de identificarse o permanecer en ella después de haber subido el contenido. Los archivos se cortan en pedazos que se distribuyen y alojan en una variedad de computadoras, para re-ensamblarse nuevamente al ser descargados por otros usuarios.
By disallowing anyone from deciding what content is adequate, the network intends to avoid imposing any kind of information values. For anonymity, the network uses a mechanism called “subspaces”, enabling the use of digital signatures to create a pseudonym and prevent censorship or punishment. Users can also upload or download files without having to identify themselves or having to stay online after uploading content. Files are divided, distributed and stored across several hard drives, then re-assembled for download.
Aunque se pueda considerar que la censura es necesaria en algunas ocasiones, los criterios bajo los cuales se valora la información no son aplicables en todos los contextos; contenido que podría considerarse racista por ejemplo, sirve para estudiar y evaluar precisamente la gravedad de dicho fenómeno.
Although censorship might be considered necessary at times, the criteria under which information is valued depends on context; for example, content deemed to be racist could be useful in studying and assessing the gravity of said phenomenon.
Las leyes de copyright no pueden ser aplicadas, cuestión a la que se han opuesto principalmente los artistas de la industria musical. Sin embargo, se han promovido otras estrategias mediante las cuales los artistas pueden ser apoyados con aportaciones públicas que se hacen gracias a la amplia distribución que puede tener su contenido en la red.
Copyright laws cannot be applied, which artists in the music industry have protested. However, thanks to the wide distribution of content online, there are other strategies being promoted to support artists with contributions from their audience.
Los usuarios pueden utilizar Freenet de varias maneras: a través del proxy mediante el cual se puede acceder a sitios libres cuyo contenido esta almacenado exclusivamente en esta red, interactuar en foros o compartir archivos mediante el uso de aplicaciones o plugins cargados en el nodo, El FMS (Free Messaging System) es un sistema a través del cual los usuarios pueden publicar listas de contactos de confianza con los cuales comunicarse y compartir información, evitando asi el spam o la restricción del servicio, los sitios web son administrados por la aplicación jSite y el FCP (Free Client Protocol) se usa para servicios de mensajes, compartir archivos y chatear en línea.
Freenet can be used several ways: using a proxy to access websites with content hosted exclusive on Freenet; using plugins or apps to share files or go on a message board; using the FMS (Free Messaging System) to get in touch with trusted users and share information (thus avoiding spam or service restrictions). Websites are managed with the jSite app, while messaging, chat services and file sharing are managed with FCP (Free Client Protocol).
== <small>'''Links'''</small> ==
== <small>'''Links'''</small> ==

Latest revision as of 23:46, 2 June 2017

Screenshot-freenetproject org 2016-08-15 19-25-31.png


Leap over censorship.

Escape total surveillance.

Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant communication and publishing. Browse websites, post on forums, and publish files within Freenet with strong privacy protections.



Freenet is a decentralized network of free software allowing to save, share and use files anonymously and censorship-free, with the goal of creating a platform for freedom of speech and access to unmanipulated information. The project was designed in 1999 by Ian Clarke at the University of Edinburgh. His final papers were the basis for another paper by Oskar Sandberg, Brandon Wiley and Theodore W. Hong, titled “Freenet: A distributed anonymous information storage and retrieval system”. Its founders posit freedom of speech can only be possible in anonymity and that true democracy happens when people not only exercise their right to vote, but when they do so conscientiously and adequately informed.

Freenet does not have central servers; users provide bandwidth and part of their hard drive for encrypted file storage. Depending on their use, these files might be stored or automatically deleted. The system can operate in two simultaneous modes: as a detectable open-net that any user can log into, or as a darknet where users can only connect to their friends. Darknet mode is very hard to detect from the outside and is resistant to restricted routes, making it difficult for governments to block it.

By disallowing anyone from deciding what content is adequate, the network intends to avoid imposing any kind of information values. For anonymity, the network uses a mechanism called “subspaces”, enabling the use of digital signatures to create a pseudonym and prevent censorship or punishment. Users can also upload or download files without having to identify themselves or having to stay online after uploading content. Files are divided, distributed and stored across several hard drives, then re-assembled for download.

Although censorship might be considered necessary at times, the criteria under which information is valued depends on context; for example, content deemed to be racist could be useful in studying and assessing the gravity of said phenomenon.

Copyright laws cannot be applied, which artists in the music industry have protested. However, thanks to the wide distribution of content online, there are other strategies being promoted to support artists with contributions from their audience.

Freenet can be used several ways: using a proxy to access websites with content hosted exclusive on Freenet; using plugins or apps to share files or go on a message board; using the FMS (Free Messaging System) to get in touch with trusted users and share information (thus avoiding spam or service restrictions). Websites are managed with the jSite app, while messaging, chat services and file sharing are managed with FCP (Free Client Protocol).


URL: https://freenetproject.org/

Wayback machine: http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://freenetproject.org/

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freenet