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Robotix es la escuela de educación tecnológica para niños y adultos mas grande de México, pionera y líder en el diseño e implementación de programas educativos divertidos, sólidos e integrales.

Durante 10 años hemos diseñado programas especializados donde se combinan exitosamente actividades teóricas, prácticas y reflexivas fomentando que nuestros alumnos encuentren soluciones a problemas complejos, desarrollando sus capacidades y explotando su creatividad.

Además de ser una fuente de aprendizaje, nuestros cursos son un espacio sano y divertido donde los niños y niñas con un interés en la ciencia y la tecnología encontrarán amigos con los mismos intereses y profesores comprometidos con una nueva.


Es construir una experiencia educativa integral orientada a desarrollar la creatividad, valores y razonamiento de niños y jóvenes, a través de la robótica, la ciencia y la tecnología por medio de la diversión.


En RobotiX buscamos consolidarnos como líderes en el desarrollo e implementación de cursos de robótica a nivel nacional. Trabajamos diariamente para construir un espacio de colaboración y desarrollo para la comunidad Robotix.


A través de una dinámica multidisciplinario y en capacitación constante, en RobotiX trabajamos todos los días por construir un equipo de trabajo profesional, divertido y comprometido con cada uno de nuestros alumnos.

Si estás interesado en formar parte del mejor equipo de instructores de robótica para niños y jóvenes, escríbenos a



Robotix is a company dedicated to the creation of pedagogical software for teaching robotics to children, teenagers and adults looking for the technological knowledge that help empower students in the understanding and creation of both simple and complex technological projects. Strategies used involve theory, practice, reflection, and games, as well as an entrepreneurial vision to help students visualize new dimensions or possibilities for their projects. Students of this platform are driven to generate exchanges with multiple institutions, NGOs and international agencies.

As part of the support to outstanding students, Robotix has stablished partnerships with Talentum Media, of the Interdisciplinary Programme on Policy and Educational Practice (PIPE), adscribed to the Center for Research and Teaching of Robotics (CIDE). This programme encourages students who have shown great ability and excellence, primarily those who do not have sufficient resources to finance their learning. Similarly, Puntos México Conectado is a programme for the teaching of basic skills in robotics and programming and technological innovation for the low-income population in Mexico.

These ara a few of the iniatives propelled by Robotix:

  • Robotix Creator is a course for children of 6-11 years that uses different pedagogical strategies to develop skills in the areas of programming, mechanics, electronics, innovation, science and human development. This course seeks to foster in students the curiosity, the ability to solve problems and the development of lateral thinking.
  • Robotix Maker is a course designed for teens and adults who wish to learn and develop projects with Arduino from basic applications such as lighting a led or the interaction with the environment through sensors, to more complex projects, such as designing smart home applications.
  • RX Teams is a team that prepares advanced students to take part in national and international competitions such as First Lego League, World Robot Olympiad and Mexican Robotics Tournament.

Robotix also carries out one-day intensive courses and workshops during the holiday season.



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