Diferencia entre revisiones de «Martijn Hartog, Bert Mulder, Bart Spée, Ed Visser, Antoine Gribnau (2014) Open Data Within governmental Organisations: Effects, Benefits and Challenges of the Implementation Process»

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[[Categoría:Datos abiertos]]

Revisión actual del 01:53 5 dic 2021

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This article describes the growth of open government, open data and the means for transparency and accountability but aims to reflect on the bottlenecks and actual practicallity of opening data to the public domain by two governmental bodies. The Municiaplity of The Hague and The Province of South-Holland of The Netherlands are part of 2 research programmes called ‘Government of the Future’, which main goals are to explore and establish knowledge on societal innovation by new applications and possibilities of long term effects of ICT’s in the public sector. Part of these programmes are themes as transparecny and open data, which are viewed form the somewhat pragmatic and operational side of its applicability. The paper shows the development within the governmental bodies and captivates the ‘readiness’ for open data.

Palabras clave

Open government, open data, GEO data, governmental bodies, practice.




JeDEM - eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government


URL: http://www.jedem.org/index.php/jedem/article/view/291

Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20160710194811/http://www.jedem.org/index.php/jedem/article/view/291