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AVESMX, La Red de Conocimiento sobre las Aves de México, contiene datos acerca de todas las especies conocidas en el territorio nacional, fotografías e información actualizada sobre tendencias poblacionales de cada especie, estatus de conservación, endemismo y distribución a lo largo del país, basado en su presencia en AICAS, ANP's, Estados y Biomas.

La información recopilada es producto del esfuerzo conjunto de la comunidad académica, así como de todas las personas dedicadas al estudio de las aves en México y en el extranjero.

Dado que la información contenida cambia de manera continua, nuestra intención es mantener actualizado este portal.

Para lograr esto, invitamos al público en general a participar de manera activa en la actualización y corrección de la información contenida en esta página. (http://avesmx.conabio.gob.mx/Inicio.html)


Avesmex is a project owned by CONABIO (National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity), an inter-ministerial commission established permanently in 1992 by the Mexican government, headed by the country’s President and comprised of the Heads of Mexico’s different Ministries. Its current National Coordinator is Dr. José Sarukhán Kermez and its task force is comprised of over 200 people: officials, analysts and administrative staff (http://www.gob.mx/conabio/documentos/estructura-organica).

This project, which goes back to 2015, was formed by Humberto Berlanga, Adán Oliveras de Ita, Vicente Rodríguez and Mariana Escobar. It’s coordinated by Humberto Berlanga, Víctor Vargas, Vicente Rodríguez, Rafael Calderón, Rubén Ortega and Tatiana Sánchez (http://avesmx.conabio.gob.mx/Aclaraciones.html).

Unlike other similar projects, such as Averaves, Avesmex is not about building a database with registered user’s contributions, but about putting at the public’s disposal information on birds species in Mexican territories on their website. It's built on two main search modes: by species and by region. A search by species is run on a database by alphabetical order. A search by region is subdivided by interactive maps of the Mexican territories: one for the Mesoamerican biological corridor, one for a search by state, and other maps, such as the ones on important areas in bird conservation, natural protected areas, and biomes. There are also search filters to help limit browsing by taxonomic groups, species at risk, residency status, and exotic and endemic species.


URL: http://avesmx.conabio.gob.mx/

Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20160811001343/http://avesmx.conabio.gob.mx/