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I think it depends on what part of the torso you showing rather than how much I saw a stylish girl on the bus wearing a bra top, so (at least to me) any amount of skin is trendy as long as it above the belly button. The Taylor Swift look that been trending for a few years shows just skin above the belly button. We moving towards slightly longer, more boxy crop tops that show skin near the belly button like this or this, but equal parts above and below the belly button.

beach dresses The word "demob", short for demobilisation, came into use in the 1930s.[1] Soldiers had received a set of civilian clothes on demobilisation at the end of the First World War,[2] however, the phrase "demob suit" only came into common use at the end of the Second World War.[3][4][5]Beginning on 18 June 1945,[6] millions of men were demobilised from the British armed services on a phased basis according to age and length of service.[7] A set of civilian clothes was essential in order to help them integrate into civilian life and because they normally no longer had their original clothes after years in uniform. Clothes rationing meant that it was not possible to buy a new suit from a shop without a large quantity of ration coupons and a long delay while the suit was made.[7]Many separate demobilisation centres were run by the Army, Navy and Air Force, alongside Civilian Clothing Depots. Army centres were run by the Royal Army Ordnance Corps.beach dresses

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