Open Knowledge Foundation

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We believe open knowledge can empower everyone, enabling people to work together to tackle local and global challenges, understand our world, expose inefficiency and challenge inequality and hold governments and companies to account.

Open Knowledge International is a worldwide non-profit network of people passionate about openness, using advocacy, technology and training to unlock information and enable people to work with it to create and share knowledge.

Our mission

We want to see enlightened societies around the world, where everyone has access to key information and the ability to use it to understand and shape their lives; where powerful institutions are comprehensible and accountable; and where vital research information that can help us tackle challenges such as poverty and climate change is available to all.

We envision a world where: - knowledge creates power for the many, not the few. - data frees us to make informed choices about how we live, what we buy and who gets our vote. - information and insights are accessible – and apparent – to everyone.

This is the world we choose. We want to see open knowledge being a mainstream concept, and as natural and important to our everyday lives and organisations as green is today.

To reach these goals, we need to raise the profile of open knowledge and raise awareness of how important it is. We need to change cultures, policies and business models at large organisations to make opening up information acceptable and desirable. We need to build capacity in understanding information, sharing, finding and using data, across the population and the world. We need to create and encourage collaborations across government, business and civil society to use data to rebalance power and tackle major challenges. We need tools (technical, legal, and educational) to make working with data easier and more effective.

Here’s how we do it at Open Knowledge International:

- International network: We support, encourage and coordinate an international network of individuals passionate about openness and active in making, training and advocating

- Opening up information: We advocate and campaign for open release of key information, particularly at national or large scale, and we monitor the level of openness worldwide

- Impact through information: We help people learn about openness and gain data skills, and we partner with change-making organisations aligned with our key themes to help them use open data to accelerate their work, creating positive change towards our goals, stories and case studies

- Stewardship: a home for projects and communities: helping nurture and support efforts to open up data and see it used for positive change

- Services and consulting: We offer commercial technology services, consultancy and training to help openness reach its full potential

Legal notice

The Open Knowledge Foundation, trading as Open Knowledge International, is a not-for-profit organisation. It is incorporated in England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee, with company number 05133759. VAT Registration № GB 984404989. Registered office address: Open Knowledge Foundation, St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, UK.



Organización mundial sin fines de lucro que genera infraestructura y redes de trabajo para la apertura de conocimientos, contenidos y datos. Fue fundada en Cambridge, Reino Unido, en mayo del 2004 por Rufus Pollock, economista y miembro del Consejo de transparencia del sector público en Reino Unido. Surge como una posibilidad de abrir el acceso a información cultural, científica, financiera, gubernamental, estadística, ambiental y de transporte, a través de la participación de colaboradores interdisciplinarios en todo el mundo.

La organización tiene la intención de transformar las relaciones entre el gobierno, los negocios y la sociedad civil a través de la apertura de la información y con ello contribuir a la comprensión de problemáticas locales y globales, ofreciendo capacitación para tomar decisiones informadas y participación activa en posibles soluciones.

Enseña y promueve el concepto de open knowledge cuya definición se postula como: cualquier contenido, información o dato libre de uso, reuso y redistribución sin restricciones de tipo legal, tecnológica o social.

La fundación trabaja, alberga y apoya proyectos de apertura de información desde económica hasta literaria y activa grupos de trabajo en materia de transparencia, educación, diseño de hardware, sustentabilidad y dominio público, entre otras.

Ha diseñado además importantes proyectos que han transformado el acceso a la información a nivel mundial, tales como CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network), una plataforma internacional de open source que incluye las contribuciones de gobiernos regionales, compañías y organizaciones trabajando para hacer la información de accesible.

En materia de economía, genera Where does my money go? un portal dedicado mostrar el uso que el gobierno británico hace de los impuestos para que todos los ciudadanos puedan ver el porcentaje de su sueldo que se destina a los sectores salud, educación, defensa, cultura, medio ambiente o gobierno. Este proyecto forma parte a su vez de Openspending, un proyecto que pretende hacer transparente la información financiera a nivel mundial.


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