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Pages in category "Inglés"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 949 total.
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- 0000 - Design Fiction's Odd Present vs. Science Fiction's Near Future - Julian Bleecker
- 0000 - Open Digital Architecture Manifesto - TM Forum
- 0000 - Seven Yogas for Postmoderns - Don Webb
- 0000 - Technorhetoricians and/as Copyright Activists - The Digirhet authors
- 0000 – The BLF Manifesto – Billboard Liberation Front
- 1912 - Manifesto for Futurist Musicians - Balilla Pratella
- 1965 - Projects of generative aesthetics - Max Bense
- 1965 - Proyectos de estética generativa - Max Bense
- 1967 - Manifiesto SCUM - Valerie Solanas
- 1968 - Behaviourables and futurables - Roy Ascott
- 1971 - Cybernetic Guerrilla Warfare - Paul Ryan
- 1971 - NET - Jarosław Kozłowski y Andrzej Kostołowski
- 1973 - Technology and beyond - Juan Downey
- 1973 - Tecnología y más allá - Juan Downey
- 1974 - Computer Lib - Theodor Nelson
- 1974 - Minifesto - Ted Nelson
- 1974 - Nelson’s Canons A Bill of Information Rights - Ted Nelson
- 1976 - An Open Letter to Hobbyists - Bill Gates
- 1980 - Telepresence: A Manifesto - Marvin Minsky
- 1982-2003 - Transhumanist Arts Statement - Natasha Vita-More
- 1983 - A Transrealist Manifesto - Rudy Rucker
- 1984 - Ecafe Manifesto - Kit Galloway & Sherrie Rabinowitz
- 1984 - First Manifesto of Neoist Performance and the Performance of Neoism - Monty Cantsin
- 1985 - A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s - Donna Haraway
- 1985 - Poetic Terrorism - Hakim Bey
- 1986 - Praxis Manifesto - Monty Cantsin
- 1986 - The Conscience of a Hacker ("The Hacker Manifesto") - Loyd Blankenship / The Mentor
- 1986 - The Techno-Revolution - Doctor Crash
- 1986-1987 - Manifesto for the Unstable Media - V2 Lab for the Unstable Media
- 1988 - The Post-Human Movement Manifesto - Steve Nichols
- 1988 - Through the looking glass - John Walker
- 1988-1992 - Crypto Anarchist Manifesto - Timothy C. May
- 1989 - ICATA Declaration - Galactic Hackers Party
- 1989 - Mondo 2000 Manifesto - Mondo 2000
- 1989 - The Cybernetic Manifesto - Valentin Turchim y Cliff Joslyn
- 1990 - 1996 -La intervención tecnológica de los artistas en un espacio virtual” o “El artista como escéptico en un mundo simulado - Antoni Muntadas
- 1990 - A Manifesto of Counterrevolutionary Communism - SMILE
- 1990 - Crime and Puzzlement - John Perry Barlow
- 1990 - Piss Manifesto - Mandie B.
- 1990 - The Extropian Principles - Max More
- 1991 - A Summary of My Work Modes and Objectives - Norman White
- 1991 - Cut-and-Paste Manifesto: A "C-Word" Sampler - Gareth Branwyn
- 1991 - Cyberpunk in the nineties - Bruce Sterling
- 1991 - Cyberpunk, Rock and Roll, and Radical Cultural Politics - Bruce Kotz
- 1991 - Manifiesto ciberfeminista para el siglo XXI - VNS Matrix
- 1991 - Scanning the Brain Box: Transverse and Axial Cross-Sections (An Anti-Manifesto) - Richard Kadrey
- 1991 - T.A.Z. Temporary Autnomous Zone - Hakim Bey
- 1991 - The Manifesto of the Futurist Programmers - Futurist Programmers
- 1992 - Immediatism: An Invisible Movement - Hakim Bey (Peter Lamborn Wilson)
- 1992 - Is there a cyberpunk movement? (Cyberpunk Manifesto) - Gareth Branwyn
- 1992 - Ribofunk: The Manifesto - Paul Di Filippo
- 1992 - The Extropian Principles - Max More
- 1993 - A Manifesto for Bad Subjects - The Bad Subjects Collective
- 1993 - Future Culture Manifesto - Andy Hawks
- 1993 - Manifiesto del proyecto ATOL: en busca de una nueva condición - Marco Peljhan
- 1993 - The Extropian Principles 2.5 - Max More
- 1993 - Un manifiesto Cypherpunk - Eric Hughes
- 1993 - Wired Manifesto - Louis Rossetto
- 1993 – Manifiesto Avant-Pop: Hilo de ejecución que se descubre a sí mismo en diez anuncios rápidos – Mark Amerika
- 1994 - Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age - Esther Dyson, George Gilder, George Keyworth, Alvin Toffler
- 1994 - Digital Manifesto - The Dutch Digital Citizens' Movement
- 1994 - Hacking Ethics - MIT Hacking Community
- 1994 - HotWired FAQ - HotWired Magazine
- 1995 - A Manifesto for Bad Subjects in Cyberspace - Bad Subjects Production Team
- 1995 - Black Noise - Mark Fisher
- 1995 - Ethical Principles - Stranonetwork
- 1995 - La sociedad industrial y su futuro - Theodore Kaczynski (Unabomber)
- 1995 - Manifesto for a virtual favela
- 1995 - TECHNO: Psycho-Social Tumult (Remix) - TechNet
- 1995 - The Birth of Way New Journalism - Joshua Quittner
- 1995 - The Dead Media Manifesto - Bruce Sterling
- 1995 - The Posthuman Manifesto - Robert Pepperell
- 1995 - Unabomber Manifesto / Industrial Society and Its Future - Theodore Kaczynski
- 1995 - What is cyborganic? - Jenny Cool
- 1995 – A&P Manifesto Remix - Mark Amerika
- 1995 – Cyberpossitive - Orphan Drift
- 1996 - (c) Poetry should be made by all! From hypertext utopias to cooperative net-projects - Heiko Idensen
- 1996 - A Digital Artist's Manifesto - Bob Griffin
- 1996 - Casa das Rosas Manifesto - José Roberto Aguilar
- 1996 - Media manifesto - Adbusters
- 1996 - Pit Stop Manifesto - Pit Schultz
- 1996 - Refresh Action Manifesto - Alexei Shulgin, Vuk Ćosić y Andreas Broeckmann
- 1996 - SCUM!!! Manifesto - Akke Wagenaar
- 1996 - The Disappearance of Public Space on the Net – Paul Garrin
- 1996 - The Valladolid Manifesto
- 1996 - The......... Manifesto - Michel Betancourt
- 1996 - Valladolid Manifesto - Eric Britton
- 1996 - Who Needs The Art World? - Reclaim Net Art
- 1996 – (a) Poetry should be made by all! From hypertext utopias to cooperative net-projects - Heiko Idensen
- 1996 – (b) Poetry should be made by all! From hypertext utopias to cooperative net-projects - Heiko Idensen
- 1997 - 100 anti-tesis - Old Boys Network
- 1997 - Decadent Action Manifesto - Decadent Action
- 1997 - Declaration of the Obsolescence of Cyberhype - Mark Dery
- 1997 - El ABC del Tactical Media - Geert Lovink y David García
- 1997 - New Rules for the New Economy - Kevin Kelly
- 1997 - Notes on Manifesto-ism - John Hutnyk
- 1997 - On Independent Media - Subcomandante Marcos
- 1997 - Open Internet Policy Principles - Group of International Experts
- 1997 - Response to the Tactical Media Manifesto: A Network of Castles- Peter Lamborn Wilson
- 1997 - Sobre los medios independientes - Subcomandante Marcos
- 1997 - Taxonomy of EFF (and similar) as neo-liberal - Paul Treanor
- 1997 - The Digital Artisans Manifesto - Richard Barbrook & Pit Schultz
- 1997 - The Gonzo Manifesto - RageBoy
- 1997 - The Indie Web Manifesto
- 1997 - The vagina is the boss on internet - Anne de Haan
- 1997 - The Virtual Barrio @ The Other Frontier (or the Chicano interneta) - Guillermo Gómez-Peña
- 1997 - Un manifiesto cyberpunk - Christian As. Kirtchev
- 1997 - Zone codes - Orphan Drift
- 1997 – The Piran Nettime Manifesto – Nettime
- 1997 – WorkSpace Manifesto – Pit Schultz y Geert Lovink
- 1997-2003 - Extropic Art Manifesto of Transhumanist Arts - Natasha Vita-More
- 1998 - 2007 - The Open Source Definition - Bruce Perens
- 1998 - Ghost Manifesto - Francesca da Rimini
- 1998 - Goodbye, “Free Software”; Hello, “Open Source” - Erick S. Raymond
- 1998 - Incomplete Manifesto for Creative Growth - Bruce Mau
- 1998 - Linux Manifesto - Entrevista a Linus Torvalds with Boot Magazine
- 1998 - Manifesto for a digital bauhaus - Pelle Ehn
- 1998 - Manifiesto Fantasma - Francesca da Rimini
- 1998 - Mutation Manifesto - Orryelle
- 1998 - Readme (Own, Be Owned Or Remain Invisible ) - Heath Hunting
- 1998 - Technorealism Manifesto
- 1998 - The Extropian Principles 3.0 - Max More
- 1998 - Toward a Definition of Radio Art - Robert Adrian
- 1999 - (anti)manifiesto: A Manifesto Against Manifestos - Caroline Bassett
- 1999 - A Manifesto for Online Communities
- 1999 - First Things First Manifesto 2000 - Adbusters
- 1999 - Hackerethik - Chaos Computer Club e.V.
- 1999 - Headmap Manifesto (1) - Ben Russell
- 1999 - Linux Documentation Project Manifesto V.1 - Linux Documentation Project
- 1999 - Notes Toward a Postcyberpunk Manifesto - Lawrence Person
- 1999 - Poetry should be made by all! From hypertext utopias to cooperative net-projects - Heiko Idensen
- 1999 - subRosa Manifesto - subRosa
- 1999 - The BradLand Manifesto or, Why I Weblog - Brad L. Graham
- 1999 - The Cluetrain Manifesto - Christopher Locke, David Weinberger, Doc Searls, & Rick Levine
- 1999 - The DEF of Tactical Media - David Garcia & Geert Lovink
- 1999 - The Fractal Art Manifesto - Kerry Mitchell
- 1999 – Introducción al – Alexei Shulgin & Natalie Bookchin
- 1999-2000 - Virus - Deltron 3030
- 2000 - All Species Inventory - Kevin Kelly
- 2000 - Neen Manifesto - Miltos Manetas
- 2000 - One Half a Manifesto - Jaron Lanier
- 2000 - The Future of Music Manifesto - The Future of Music Coalition
- 2000 - THE::CYBER.COM/MUNIST:: MANIFESTO - Richard Barbrook
- 2000 – Borderhack Manifesto – Fran Ilich & Luis Humberto Rosales
- 2001 - Ceci n'est pas un magazine (1a Parte) - Mute Magazine
- 2001 - La Declaración del Hacktivismo - Hacktivismo & Cult of the Dead Cow
- 2001 - Manifiesto por el desarrollo ágil de software - Agile Alliance
- 2001 - Open Money Manifesto - Michael Linton y Ernie Yacub
- 2001 - Open Source Infrastructure - A Manifesto for the Coming Big Bang - Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown & Phil Rueppel
- 2001 - Refugia Manifesto for Becoming Autonomous Zones (BAZ) - subRosa
- 2002 - A Manifesto for MMORPG Design
- 2002 - Declaración de la Iniciativa de Budapest para el Acceso Abierto - Leslie Chan (et al.)
- 2002 - Declaration for freedom of information in the internet
- 2002 - Digital Art Manifesto 1.0 - Shawn Rider
- 2002 - El Manifiesto de la Prostituta Web -
- 2002 - Headmap Localis(z)ation (2) - Ben Russell
- 2002 - Jungle AAA Manifesto - The Jungle Association of Autonomous Astronauts
- 2002 - The Blogger's Manifesto - Chris Pirillo
- 2002 - The Webwhore Manifesto - Tasty Trixie
- 2002 - Weblog Ethics - Rebecca Blood
- 2002-2003 - The Magazine that Mistook its Reader for a Hat (2a Parte) - Mute Magazine
- 2003 - A Cyberpunk Manifesto v2.0- Christian As. Kirtchev
- 2003 - A Proposal for Network Neutrality - Tim Wu
- 2003 - Blogging Manifesto - H. Prillinger, H. Gislufsson, & R. Ellenson
- 2003 - Cyber Dada Manifesto - Dale Nason & Troy Innocent
- 2003 - Declaración de Berlín sobre acceso abierto - Max Planck Society (ed.)
- 2003 - Declaración de Bethesda sobre Publicación de Acceso Abierto - Patrick O. Brown (et al.)
- 2003 - Declaration of Principles - World Summit on the Information Society
- 2003 - Headmap Manifesto Redux (3) - Ben Russell
- 2003 - Linux Documentation Project Manifesto V.2 - Linux Documentation Project
- 2003 - Manifesto of Urban Televisions - Matteo Pasquinelli
- 2003 - Molleindustria Manifesto - Molleindustria
- 2003 - Principles of Extropy Version 3.11 - Max More
- 2003 - Shaping Information Societies for Human Needs - Civil Society Declaration to the World Summit on the Information Society
- 2003 - The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness. - Donna Haraway
- 2003 - The dotCommunist Manifesto - Eben Moglen
- 2003 - The Encyclopedia of Life - Edward O. Wilson
- 2003 - The Wireless Commons Manifesto - The Wireless Commons
- 2003 - Why We Fight — An Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto (2.0) - Eric S. Raymond
- 2004 - A Manifesto for the Humanities in a Technological Age - Cathy N. Davidson & David Theo Goldberg
- 2004 - Free Culture Manifesto 1.0
- 2004 - Manifesto for CCTV Filmakers - Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel
- 2004 - Media carta - Adbusters
- 2004 - Segundo Manifiesto, reclama la libertad del conocimiento - Hipatia
- 2005 - A Class Balance Manifesto for Virtual Worlds - Wolfshead
- 2005 - A Manifesto for Postindustrial Design - Jamer Hunt
- 2005 - Ars Industrialis Manifiesto - Bernard Stiegler, Caroline Stiegler, Catherine Perret, Marc Crépon, Georges Collins
- 2005 - Critical Thinking for Managers Manifesto - Crystal King
- 2005 - Declaration Of The Universal Right Of Monetary Creation - François Rey y Marc Boucher de Lignon
- 2005 - Free Culture Manifesto - Students for Free Culture
- 2005 - Manifiesto Hackmeeting Es Mercadal (Menorca)
- 2005 - Manifiesto P2P - Marco Montemagno
- 2005 - The Crystalpunk Manifesto - Wilfried Hou Je Bek
- 2005 - The Digital Libraries Manifesto - Gruppo di studio sulle biblioteche digitali
- 2005 - The Future of AI - John McCarthy
- 2005 - The Posthuman Manifesto - Rober Pepperell
- 2005 - Why P2P File Sharing Is Good: The P2P Manifesto - Robin wood
- 2005- Manifesto for a Digital Britain - William Davies, Jamie Cowling, Kay Withers y Emily Keaney
- 2006 - Conspiracy as Governance ("The Wikileaks Manifesto") - Julian Assange