0000 - Seven Yogas for Postmoderns - Don Webb

We spend a great deal of our time in chaos and non- attainment. Our modernist forebears had at least the driving thought of a central paradigm. They knew what the Good was, what Virtue was -- and how by pursuing these things they could gain in material wealth and physical vitality. As the modern world decayed in the napalm showers of Vietnam and the demanifestation of public virtue during Watergate, the values were lost, the goals set astray, and the center gave way. This has produced the two great factors that rule the postmodernist world -- weakness and speed.
Weakness is the condition of a having no ruling thoughts. Anybody that's loud enough, stylish enough, or otherwise can present themselves with the appropriate Symbol can gain a group of followers. God is indeed a shout in the street. We will see any number of opportunistic cults, enraged bombers, and marching morons. Some looking with nostalgia to the end of the modernist era may think that such mass movements are some healthy remanifestation of the protests of the 60s. In fact it is just the opposite. Today's mass movements are people looking for an Establishment to join.
Speed comes from the lack of a ruling paradigm. With no anchoring place for soul or mind, sudden -- basic self change can occur in a few hours. And when the indivual is so metamorphic -- "Society" which after all arises from the individuals is even more metamorphic. The landscape of human will and consciousness changes like the clouds.
These two factors give mankind something it has never before possessed -- a great freedom. Most will not opt for this freedom since it will require each individual to find what is Essential in and of themselves. It will take work, a concentration of purpose that makes each an eye of the hurricane of the world. But it is only in that individualism that survival from annihilation is possible. Otherwise we will grow into the world machine changing our minds to reflect the latest CNN poll. Orwell was wrong -- propaganda isn't necessary for Big Brother to thrive, only inaction.
I am going to purpose seven mental disciplines that might help people find and refine their individualism. The application is up to you. Send no money.
1. Decide who your worst enemy is. Is it your math teacher, your boss, your mother? Now make a list of all the amazing good things that came about because of them. Did the math teacher sending you to summer school cause you to meet your girlfriend? Did your boss clue you in on the doctor that saved your life? Make a list of how the 'enemy' shaped your life in a truly beneficial manner. Make a habit of this practice and you will come to see that the important issue is not the ill-will that washes over us like splattered mud from a puddle, but the shaping that comes to our lives. Thus you will begin to see all changes around you as an opportunity for self sculpture.
2. Learn to suffer fools. So often we let our best
trainers escape us. There's that neighbor with the cruddy
ankle snapping dog and his obnoxious politics that he
desires to share with us any chance he gets. What an
admirable trainer! Cultivate an attitude of seeing him as
an actor. Fantasize that's he's not really like he is, but
playing a role. Learn to appreciate his performance. Thus
you become habituated to seeing life as a comedy played for
your pleasure rather than endless string of irritating
events ruled by random fuck-ups.
3. Learn to see your place in history. Forget your
realtionship to the Zeitgeist -- it's been replaced by the
Poltergeist!! How you fit into the now is uninteresting when
there is no central Now. Begin a list of all historical
events absolutely necessary for your birth to happen. Did
an ancestor come to America because of the potato famine in
Ireland? Was an ancestor captured from the coasts of Africa
and sold here? Thus you will begin to see that endless
cycles of creation necessary for your existence -- do
this not to think that the universe owes you something --
but to consider how important your actions are in creating
the lives of future men and women. You and you alone are
the Now.
4. Do a video festival for friends. Make a list of all
the movies that profoundly influenced you. Was it a horror
movie on Midnight Shlocko Theater? Rent them and show them
to your friends. Watch their reactions. Get them to talk
about their thoughts and feelings for each film. Thus you
will begin to see how having the right thoughts at the
right time has made you what you are. Using this
knowledge begin actively seeking the correct life
experiences that would likely make you have the right
thoughts for that which you would become. Thus you learn
more and more how to shape yourself by shaping your
preconscious. And you habituate yourself to being in charge
of your thoughts rather than some random media programmer.
5. Create a mask. Never before has it been so easy to
create a persona to try on new features. The gender
switching, age changing, fantasy world of the Information
Autobahn provides endless opportunities. Much has been
written on this yoga, so I need to say little. But observe
no matter what mask you wear -- that the very act of endless
change and creativity points to some underlying core self of
stability. Learn to feel that core that center as you type
away at your fantasy manifestation. Thus you begin to feel
your own center -- your own eye in the postmodern hurricane.
6. Keep a secret. Find some place calm and
interesting to hide out. Tell no one about it. Here you
will have bent space to your will. Slowly the hiding place
will become a map of your consciousness. You will see in it
an external representation of the inner hidden place that no
one knows. Go to this place when you need calm or when you
need omens. Such objective gateways into the subjective
world will begin to exert a calming influence on others as
well. If we as indivuals create enough secret sanctuaries,
the world itself will grow calmer.
7. Find a random alarm clock. Observe your
environment. Is there some event that occurs daily at a
random time? Perhaps the arrival of the postman? If so make
use of this seeming intrusion into your life. Play like it
is an alarm clock. That it's time to wake up now. Get up
stretch, walk around. When you return to your work -- play
the following game. Assume you don't know what's going on.
Gather data. Act on the situation to change it in some way.
(There are many books on problem solving on the market --
read some). Thus you learn to bring consciences into the
trance like life of your work. You become for a brief
moment the one-eyed man in the Kingdom of the Blind.
These yogas only work if worked. They can give you a
place twenty feet above the earth from which to apply your
lever, but it is up to you to make your own decisions as to
what to do. Trust no one. The Secret name of the seven
yogas is PyrE.
Deep space my dwelling place/the stars my destination.
El manifiesto fue publicado en el sitio web Alt X (1) y aparece en el listado de manifiesto de The Day of the Manifestoes(2), el cual formo parte del Hybrid Workspace de la Documenta X de Kassel en el año de 1997 (3). Alt-X "Online Network", "Manufactured in Cyberspace", "Where the Digerati Meet the Literati" es un portal web “Made in USA” creado por Mark Amerika en 1993 dedicado a “desafiar a las instituciones editoriales del arte y literatura apoyando algunas de las voces y visiones más iconoclastas en el arte y la escritura contemporáneos” (4). Por su parte, el Hybrid Workspace fue un espacio dependiente de la Documental X de Kassel en el que desde el 21 de junio hasta el 28 de septiembre de 1997 participaron 11 grupos relacionados con las artes, el Internet y el activismo con diversas charlas y talleres, cada grupo tuvo una participación que duro entre 10 y 14 días (5).
He encontrado dos autores que trabajan bajo el pseudonimo Don Webb.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Webb_(writer) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Webb_(playwright)
(1) http://www.altx.com/interzones2/violet/yoga.html
(2) http://www.ljudmila.org/~vuk/dx/lists/workspac/0000.htm
(3) http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9706/msg00142.html
(4) http://www.altx.com/whatis.html
(5) http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00008.html
Archivo:Seven Yogas for Postmoderns.pdf
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URL: http://www.altx.com/interzones2/violet/yoga.html
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