1997 - Decadent Action Manifesto - Decadent Action

Decadent Action Manifesto
Decadent Action are the man and woman sitting next to you at the cocktail bar, they have money in their pockets and mischief on their minds.
Decadent Action are a High Street anarchist-guerrilla organisation whose main aim is to destroy the capitalist system by a leisurely campaign of good living and overspending. We plan to achieve our aims by making capitalism fall on it' s own sword. If you neglect and ignore capitalism it will not go away, but feed it to excess for long enough and it will eventually burst.
We use the simple economic principles of supply and demand with their intrinsic link to inflation to establish our theories. The state must control these factors to run the economy efficiently; throw in the wild card of massive irrational overspending on seemingly random luxury goods and the government is unable to take control. This will lead to hyper inflation and large scale social unrest, leading to the collapse of the monetary system and disintegration of the state apparatus.
So how can you get involved in this conspiracy to otherthrow the government without making too much effort or getting your hands dirty? Well the answer is to spend, spend, spend! Get money, spend it, it's as simple as that. Below we set out ten pointers to help you to become truly decadent and to destroy the monetary system at your leisure.
1. Savings are for losers, when the monetary system collapses your few pounds in the bank will become worthless. Get them out and blow the lot on a night out. We can recommend The Lanesborough Hotel on Hyde Park Corner in London, The Stannary in Tavistock (Devon) or just choose the best place nearest top you and hit the vintage champagne.
2. Shopping is fun, and you can never have enough designer labels, buy that dress you' ve been lusting after. The words 'dry clean only' are what we look out for, and good quality clothing is available in all major towns and cities. Stylish clothes can get you into all the right (and wrong) places and can help you convince others of your wealth in order to pull a fast one.
3. Government sponsorship is always a nice way to fund a spending spree. This comes in many forms - dole money, business start up grants, blackmail and bribery are all money for nothing. Try seeing how quickly you can blow your dole cheque in a cocktail bar.
4. Never, ever eat chocolate of less than 60% cocoa solids. Ackermans or Green and Blacks is what you should be eating.
5. Credit is the decadent's friend. It is inflationary, it is free money, it is fun to spend. Credit cards are best, yours or someone else's. Available now from high street banks, all you have to do is convince them that you can pay it back, piece of piss. When the monetary system collapses your bill will simply disappear. Keep several with you at all times.
6. Shopping without money is an essential part of our plan. See it, like it, have it. Never take no for an answer.
7. Pass on the decadent message at all possible opportunities. We recommend writing, rubber stamping or scalding on bank notes with appropriate pro- consumer slogans such as 'spend, spend, spend' and 'shop now, riot later'.
8. Terrorism and violence against the state can be fun but make sure you get the right tools for the job. Sawn off shot guns are crude and could snag your clothes. In short, if you're going to shoot a cop - make sure you use a nice gun.
9. Guilt and the morals of the Christian Right have no place in our plans. Get yourself out and buy some smut, get down to your local perve shop and kit out your dungeon.
10. Sort out the right heroes and influences - take a tip from us and spend the day of the next general election in bed with a jug of your favourite cocktail, a Combustible Edison soundtrack and read up on Baader, Meinhoff, Chomsky, Susie Bright, Harry Roberts, Valerie Solanas, Viv Nicholson and troublemakers the world over. The odd few pence on a meagre minimum wage is not our concern when we want to bring the whole system crashing down.
These are just a few of the things that may help you in the war against the monetary system. If you wish to receive our journal The Decadent then send a stamped, addressed envelope to the below address. Invitations to exclusive restaurants, gifts of fine wines and champagne are also encouraged.
Decadent Action, BM Decadence, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
El manifiesto fue publicado por primera vez en la revista The Idler y posteriormente formo parte del libro Mind Invader Mind Invaders: A Reader in Psychic Warfare, Cultural Sabotage and Semiotic Terrorism (1) publicado en 1997 por Stewart Home, la publicación es una compilación de ensayos y manifiestos redactados por activistas, artistas y agrupaciones que reflexionan sobre los medios de comunicación (2).
Decadent Action se describen a sí mismos como "Terroristas del Consumo. Anarquistas de champaña. Revolucionarios de cócteles".(1). El grupo sostenía que provocar una inflación excesiva a través del gasto desenfrenado de los consumidores era el único medio que podía precipitar el colapso económico sobre el que se basa cualquier acción revolucionaria. Por lo tanto, promovían la idea del uso del crédito de manera irresponsable y el gasto excesivo en actividades hedónicas para lograr sus objetivos (3).
(1) http://www.monoculartimes.co.uk/counterculture/decadentaction.shtml
(2) http://www.lutherblissett.net/archive/307_en.html
(3) https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Decadent%20Action
Primera Edición:
URL: http://www.monoculartimes.co.uk/counterculture/decadentaction.shtml
Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20180608112237/http://www.monoculartimes.co.uk/counterculture/decadentaction.shtml