1997 – The Piran Nettime Manifesto – Nettime

29.5.1997, The Piran Nettime Manifesto
A PRESS RELEASE by Nettime (Vienna ad-hoc committee)
PRESS CONFERENCE 29.5.1997 19:00
Public Netbase Media~Space!, Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, Vienna/Austria Thursday, 29.5.1997 19:00
Participants: Pit Schultz (Berlin), Geert Lovink (Amsterdam), Critical Art Ensemble (Chicago), Diana McCarty (Budapest), Marko Peljhan (Ljubljana), Oliver Marchart (Wien), Peter Lamborn Wilson (New York)
"Why do you rob banks?"
"Because that's where the money is." (Willie Sutton, famous bank robber)
Last week Nettimers frolicked in the real space/time continuum on the Slovenian coast in the town of Piran where the following bullets were established:
· Nettime declares Information War. · We denounce pan-capitalism and demand reparations. Cyberspace is where
your bankruptcy takes place.
· Nettime launches crusade against data barbarism in the virtual holy land. · We celebrate the re-mapping of the Ex-East/Ex-West and the return to geography. · We respect the return to "alt.cultures" and pagan software structures ("It's normal!"). · Deprivatize corporate content, liberate the virtual enclosures and storm the content castles! · Refuse the institutionalization of net processes. · We reject pornography on the net unless well made. · We are still, until this day, rejecting make-work schemes and libertarian declarations of independence. · NGOs are the future oppressive post-governments of the world. · We support experimental data transfer technology. · Participate in the Nettime retirement plan, zero work by age 40. · The critique of the image is the defense of the imagination. · Nettime could be Dreamtime.
Questions can be addressed to the participants at the Nettime press conference, Public Netbase, Museumsquartier, Vienna, 29.5.1997, 19:00 hours
- distributed via nettime-l : no commercial use without permission
- <nettime> is a closed moderated mailinglist for net criticism,
- collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
- more info: majordomo {AT} icf.de and "info nettime" in the msg body
- URL: http://www.desk.nl/~nettime/ contact: nettime-owner {AT} icf.de
The Piran Nettime Manifesto fue publicado en la lista de correo Nettime el 26 de mayo de 1997 (1). En el mensaje se incluyen detalles sobre una conferencia de prensa que se celebró tres días después e incluyó la participación de Pit Schultz, Geert Lovink, el Critical Art Ensemble, Diana McCarty, Marko Peljhan, Oliver Marchart y Peter Lamborn Wilson, a quienes se señaló, se les podría preguntar directamente sobre el manifiesto (1). El manifiesto fue redactado en la ciudad costera eslovena de Piran por Nettime, Vienna ad-hoc committee al día siguiente de “Beauty and the east”, encuentros llevados a cabo en la ciudad de Liubliana del 21 al 23 de mayo de 1997 que consistieron en una serie de conferencias y eventos de Netttime que pretendían convertirlo en un grupo o movimiento, y así, dejar atrás su condición de lista de correo (2). Las respuestas mixtas al Pyran Manifesto en la lista indicaron que Nettime no sería ni un grupo ni un movimiento (3) (4) (5).
Nettime was represented at several events and held its own first meeting in Ljubljana in May 1997 where 120 members discussed strategies for critical discourses in electronic arts and (new) media activism. Lovink (2002) Dark Fiber p. 84 pdf / 71 libro
The opportunity arose to host a nettime meeting in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, the prosperous part of Former Yugoslavia, not effected by the war, yet within reach, visa-wise, for East European participants. The three days meeting was sponsored by different branches of the Open Society Institute, financed by the Hungarian-American philanthropist George Soros.4 DARK FIBER p. 104 pdf 91 libro
Revisar Readme! the "Nettime Bible" // Drak Fiber 108 - lo cita completo
Aparece en https://www.digitalmanifesto.net/manifestos/132/
Aparece en Varios autores. (2016). Manifestos For The Internet Age v0.8. M.Schmalstieg, B. Crevits, V.Kruug (Eds). Greyscale Press.
Nettime es una lista de correo electrónico fundada por Geert Lovink y Pit Schultz en junio de 1995 durante el segundo encuentro Median Zentral Kommittee como parte del evento Club Berlín en la Bienal de Venecia(6). Desde 1998 Nettime ha sido moderada por Ted Biefiel y Felix Stalder (7). La lista de correo es reconocida por ser uno de los principales foros de discusión de la cultura y arte de internet, su principal objetivo es conjugar distintas disciplinas y prácticas como el arte electrónico, las ciencias computacionales, periodismo y teoría de medios (2).
(1) http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00147.html
(2) Lovink, G. (2009). Dynamics of critical internet culture (pp. 108 - 114). Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. Recuperado de: http://networkcultures.org/_uploads/tod/TOD1_dynamicsofcriticalinternetculture.pdf
(3) http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00152.html
(4) http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00157.html
(5) http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00153.html
(6) http://www.nettime.org/info.html
(7) https://monoskop.org/Nettime
Archivo:Nettime The Piran Nettime Manifesto.pdf
Primera edición: http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00147.html
Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20180402214323/http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-9705/msg00147.html