1992 - Ribofunk: The Manifesto - Paul Di Filippo

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La fecha de su primera aparición no está clara. El manifesto está incluído en Gareth Branwyn, Peter B. Sugarman (eds.) (1991) Beyond Cyberpunk! A Do It Yourself Guide to the Future. Louisa, VA: The Computer Lab. (a HyperCard application), aunque es posible que se agragara en la segunda edición de 1993. http://www.streettech.com/bcp/BCPgraf/Manifestos/Ribofunk.html

En una entrevista con Marshall Payne para The Fix Di Filippo comenta:

"During the waning days of cyberpunk, I half-jokingly tried to predict the next big movement in SF. I took the prefix “ribo” from the cellular component ribosomes and the musical genre of “funk” and mashed them together, positing hot, passionate, sweaty fiction about speculative biology. I xeroxed a broadside touting this alleged genre and circulated it by mail, and it also appeared in a couple of fanzines.

Having done so, I began to believe my own humorous propaganda, seeing actual story potential therein, and begin to write stories that tried to live up to my prescription. Futuristic stories where the biological sciences are paramount, where human form is mutable, and human-animal hybrids form an underclass.

The movement as such never really materialized, but plenty of writers have seen similar potential in the themes and topics of ribofunk, even if by reinventing my particular wheel. I’d mention Peter Watts, Linda Nagata, and Mark Budz among others." https://web.archive.org/web/20151020204659/http://paul-di-filippo.com/%E2%80%9Can-interview-with-paul-di-filippo%E2%80%9C-the-fix/

En un post subido a Theinferior4 el autor comapartió en 2009 una foto de la primera edición del manifiesto que fue "Xeroxed, folded twice, mailed to about 100 people on the ASTRAL AVENUE fanzine mailing list. Gareth Branwyn reprinted it in 1993, so maybe 1992 originally." https://theinferior4.livejournal.com/1112371.html

En todo caso, el manifiesto se vincula con el surgimiento del Proyecto Genoma Humano que se desarrolló de 1990 a 2003. https://web.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/index.shtml



Primera edición:

URL: http://www.streettech.com/bcp/BCPgraf/Manifestos/Ribofunk.html

Wayback Machine: