1999 - subRosa Manifesto - subRosa

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subRosa Manifesto

subRosa's' name honors feminist pioneers in art, activism, labor, science, and politics: Rosa Bonheur, Rosa Luxemburg, Rosie the Riveter, Rosa Parks and Rosie Franklin.

subRosa is a reproducible cyberfeminist cell of cultural researchers committed to combining art, activism, and politics to explore and critique the effects of the intersections of the new information and biotechnologies on women's bodies, lives, and work.

subRosa produces artworks, activist campaigns and projects, publications, media interventions, and public forums that make visible the effects of the interconnections of technology, gender, and difference; feminism and global capital; new bio and medical technologies and women's health; and the changed conditions of labor and reproduction for women in the integrated circuit.

subRosa practices a situational embodied feminist politics nourished by conviviality, self-determination, and the desire for affirmative alliances and coalitions.

Let a million subRosas bloom!


subRosa Manifesto es el manifiesto fundacional del colectivo de arte subRosa el cual fue distribuido en el año de 1999 durante la tercera edición del The Next 5 Minutes, una serie de encuentros dedicados al tactical media y a la intersección entre arte, política y medios de comunicación. Hasta la fecha, el festival cuenta con cuatro ediciones, las cuales no se han organizado siguiendo un patrón temporal recurrente (3), por su parte, la tercera edición estuvo dedicada al...




Archivo:SubRosa S&F Online Critical Conceptions Technology, Justice, and the Global Reproductive Market.pdf


Primera Edición: http://sfonline.barnard.edu/reprotech/subrosa_01.htm

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SubRosa, http://sfonline.barnard.edu/reprotech/subrosa_01.htm

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