2020 - AI Art Manifesto - Natalia Fuchs, Peter Kirn, Chris Salter, Emilio Vavarella & Moises Horta Valenzuela

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Futurological Congress x Transart, Bolzano, Italy, 26 September 2020

In a course of contemporaneity exploration, Artificial Intelligence becomes a means of expanding self-awareness, criticism, creativity, and possibility, rather than confinement of our notions of humanity and the mind. We resolve that as AI artists, we are dedicated to the progressive art & science by committing to -

1. Redraw the boundaries of what defines “intelligence” and “consciousness,” and distinguish our own perspective from the unknowable nonhuman perspective.

2. Employ AI as a means of breaking down systemic biases and limitations in our societies – and be empowered to choose not to use AI,

3. Expose uses of AI that shift or hide accountability of the humans, corporations, and states that use it.

4. Be informed about biased datasets and approaches, instead constructing our own frameworks and techniques from new and diverse perspectives.

5. Root our work in a knowledge of the history of science, technology, and cultures.

6. Combine aesthetic approaches with ethics and responsibility.

7. Reveal AI as disembodied cognition, as an extension of human thought and culture, rather than promoting illusions AI as autonomous where it is not.

8. Credit human labor and culture where it is used in AI datasets and frameworks, and reveal their impact on the results.

9. Develop literacy around machine learning that extends to non-engineers and artists, as those new audiences make use of AI techniques.

10. Favour accurate and transparent descriptions of AI over misleading anthropomorphising descriptions.

11. Use AI as an expressive means of illuminating rather than mystifying the realms of science and data, so that artists can be more fluent in their use of data as medium.

12. Reject AI as black box, in favour of openness and human-centered intelligence.

13. Re-embody the products of AI, re-center them around the intelligent human user, rather than limit our notion of intelligence to a virtual abstract.

14. Embrace AI as creating originality, rather than copying and repurposing dead, already-produced output.

15. Work toward an AI of difference, rather than a singularity. We challenge technological advances in order to develop long-term, interdisciplinary thought and practice.


Copyright © Fuchs, Kirn, Salter, Vavarella, Horta Valenzuela, 2020




URL: https://www.transart.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AI-Art-Manifesto.pdf

Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20220327022016/https://www.transart.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/AI-Art-Manifesto.pdf