Hogeschool van Amsterdam (2014) MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives Conference Report

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MoneyLab Conference Report 2014-img.jpg


MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives, an initiative of the Institute of Network Cultures, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, took place in Amsterdam, on March 21st and 22nd 2014, at Lab111. It brought together more than 25 speakers divided in eight sessions, including an art performance. Other highlights included a crowdfunding workshop and an alternatives bazaar.


Archivo:MoneyLab Conference Report 2014-img.pdf


Institute of Network Cultures


URL: http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/moneylab-coining-alternatives-2014-conference-report/

Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://networkcultures.org/blog/publication/moneylab-coining-alternatives-2014-conference-report/